Wednesday 16 September 2015


A word of Yagan origin that translates as the wordless, yet meaningful look between two people who both desire to initiate something but are both too scared to initiate themselves.

Only one person in the world still speaks Yagan, isn’t that amazing and sad all at once. If I was the last Namwanga alive I don’t know if I would be the right guardian of the language.  So this word is on this list because it must live. It refers to the moment when strangers meet and look each other in the eye and they think the same thing but neither acts. Such a complex idea but Yagan found a word for it.

I was once a cynic and I believed that humans were all physics, science and logic. That was all until I felt the depth of chemistry. Chemistry with another person isn’t anything you can describe. Science will say pheromones but if it only comes down to pheromones why don’t we experience chemistry with everyone. Science then plays it down to behaviourism and learned patterns of behaviour and attraction. I accept those but how is it that all those can align at the exact same time and cause this moment to occur with that just one person. It is those moments that cause me to believe that there is more to life, to who we are than what we just see with our eyes. Sometimes we meet these people that we sense and then if neither acts on the sense it simply goes away. And there others where the moment just lingers in the air waiting for either one of you to seize it. Then there are those moments where the chemistry disappears immediately the moment is seized. It is so weird yet so cool.

When I was younger I had the habit of seizing these moments and they have resulted in the most amazing friendships, mind blowing bonds and jarring connections. I’m not going to restrict these moments to just romance, I have seen this in many aspects. My closest friend of over 12 years, the day I met her was a regular day but when her and I met eyes, it was more than regular for me. I was a shy kid with no friends, new to the grade. I talked to her regardless and now we have a resilient friendship. This story can be told over and over in different forms for all my friends. The first boy I ever loved, I will claim it was from eye contact and by sundown he knew he loved me and now we are great friends, that’s my version of the story and I am sticking to it. My friend/big sister Jane and I met at arcades years ago; I really didn’t feel like going to get the fabric but I did anyway and now she is very important to me.

We live in a world where we are taught to hold back because rejection is embarrassing, because being the initiator steals your “power”, because that cute guy might turn out to be gay or to Boko Haram. But what if it isn’t? What if it turns out to be the most rewarding thing you have ever done?  Don’t wait. Rejection doesn’t tattoo your forehead but regret torments your heart. I’m not advocating for acting on every mindless impulse. I’m speaking for good vibes. If something captures you and you have to initiate, initiate because you never know where it leads. Even if you don’t hit jack pot, see everything as a learning experience.

I think Mamihlapinatapei comes from your instincts, telling you that initiating has more benefit than holding back. Start something today!

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