Friday 2 December 2016


Amidst all the confusion, Gerard resigned into himself whilst Longa attempted to find out how much of the incident Ishmael remembered. It irked him how much she cared about the little prick. She didn’t even have to touch him for Gerard to see her feelings for him. Lust and fear where both feelings and in the tiny hospital room. Longa’s fear for Gerard surpassed her lust for Ishmael so she kept her hands to herself, looking down at him pitifully. They were all battered, Ishmael was just he only one whose brokenness was visible.

Mice were a problem, they snuck into people’s homes and ate their cheese. Mice deserved be exterminated. Ishmael had been nibbling on Gerard’s cheese and he was lucky to be alive. Longa’s begging and crying was the only thing that was keeping Gerard from crushing Ishmael. There was a nagging thought at the back of his mind that told him that his wife was in love with the boy but he threw it out of his mind. The barren bitch. He never thought she would dare to cheat on him, he thought she knew that it was stupid to even try. Chisamba was a small town and Gerard knew everything about adultery, nobody could beat him at his game. Jessica. Ishmael. It didn’t matter. Someone needed to pay for the disgrace. Longa couldn’t cook, her cleaning was pathetic and her mother was the cold witch that closed her womb. She was lucky to be married and cheating was not a fit payment for his kindness. He could have left her but he didn’t.

Gerard broke from his internal monologue and with flaring eyes shouted, Ka Chikala iwe uzaona! I know where you live.”

“Ba Gerry stop it, you are causing a scene. Let us go,” Longa said.

Maybe it was fair. Gerard thought of all the women he had been entertaining – other men’s women were on the list too. Longa was his wife, his baby, how was someone screwing his baby? They were going to go home the same way they went to the hospital; together. They were going to scream at each other until they ran out of words and then they were going to sit in silence. The following day they were going to co-exist in the shambles of their broken marriage and do it all over again until one of them tapped out. There was no point, perhaps the marriage was dead. Longa refused to move out, she was delaying the inevitable. There was no hope for them but she was the kind that believed in things, even dead things. Tears came to Gerard’s eyes when he remembered Longa’s collection of baby clothes and how she believed that they would have a son one day.

Imagine the headline: GUY IS HIT BY HIS MARRIED LOVER IN CHISAMBA LOVE DEBACLE! It was no time for jokes but I couldn’t help myself. The situation was funny. The kind that Mwebantu News picked up quickly for its readers to chew up and regurgitate all over Facebook.

All my hours in the gym were useless against Longa’s King Kong husband. Perhaps being run over was a blessing. Salvation came in form of security guards.

"Sir you will need to come with us."

That was all Gerrard heard as five massive hands grabbed his person.

"Ninga imwe bafikala mwa fuma kwisa! Fusekeni! Atase, ndekeni imwe, ndekeni! Allo imwe! Nisiyeni nizazi chokela ata! Sumuni ziba imwe bafikamba! Mwanya!"

Whispering prompts amongst themselves, the hospital security led Gerrard away from Ishmael and Longa.

"I guess you’ve already met my husband," Longa said to a bewildered Ishmael…

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